Some people say the main way to be happy in life is to have lot of money. How might having lot of money make people happy? What other things in life can make people happy?

Nowadays, our society believes that in order to be happy, one should have a lot of money,
, there may be some truth in
statement, there are other things in our hearts that make a person happy. In
essay, we will discuss in what ways having a lot of cash makes an individual happy and
wealth, there is other stuff that brings happiness to us and
come up with a reasoned conclusion.
, there are numerous ways in which salary influence a person's happiness,
for instance
with money people buy a comfortable house for their family,
others like to buy cars or bike in order to have a smooth ride to work or back home and not to wait for public transport which, is delayed many times. They can
afford to buy the latest technologies like phones, computers, smartwatches and other various electronic gadgets.
Apart from
with cash one can have good food at a fine restaurant, for many,
is the most common way of joy because food is the main source of true delight,
, currency helps us to have that.
For instance
, from a survey, it has been found that those who earn above-average salaries a year, tend to have a very comfortable living and rejoice in it to the fullest.
On the other hand
, for some, there are other entities in our world that bring them true peace,
as our family and friends. There is no greater joy but spending time with our loved ones,
as sitting at home or at the park with our friends and family and talking and having a laugh,
is more valuable than having more wealth in our life.
For example
, researchers have found that a human mind at peace brings more rejoicing to them when they are with people around whom they feel happy and relaxed, as result, those people tend to have a healthy and lively life. In conclusion, to some extent, it can be argued that more cash does affect us directly or indirectly in our lives in a good way,
it can not be totally denied from our lives.
Submitted by den_wei20 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Financial security
  • Basic needs
  • Comfort
  • Luxury
  • Freedom
  • Altruistic
  • Philanthropy
  • Nurturing relationships
  • Fulfillment
  • Sense of accomplishment
  • Physical well-being
  • Spiritual beliefs
  • Community involvement
  • Gratitude
  • Mindfulness
  • Simple pleasures
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