the Correct article usage
show examples
is requireChange the verb form
show examples
toChange preposition
show examples
each state and nation.
, some
have richness
, other
have a basic problem as food,
waterCorrect word choice
show examples
. Some people believe that
makeWrong verb form
show examples
it to the poverty
governmentsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
has more negative influences
more Correct quantifier usage
show examples
a Correct article usage
show examples
Correct pronoun usage
show examples
beneficialReplace the word
show examples
. Personally, I fully agree that because
the Correct article usage
show examples
wealth is more significant for development.
First and foremost, There are many
of Change preposition
show examples
dependCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
on the
countriesChange noun form
show examples
, where the state has
lowAdd an article
show examples
potential source, that condition
impact Change the verb form
show examples
populationAdd an article
show examples
countryAdd an article
show examples
and the future of
governmentCorrect article usage
show examples
the economy is essential
onChange preposition
show examples
the political field.
AfricaReplace the word
show examples
are poor for the reason they do not have any technological development and that
Add a missing verb
show examples
aChange the article
show examples
create Change the verb form
show examples
AfricaReplace the word
show examples
Fix the infinitive
show examples
suffer from the poor. Nowadays, each country is
intendWrong verb form
show examples
the powerful
onChange preposition
show examples
the world.
the Correct article usage
show examples
are sufferChange the verb form
show examples
educationalAdd an article
show examples
issueFix the agreement mistake
show examples
that problem impacts
toChange preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
most field like medical
investigateReplace the word
show examples
, social development, machine industry, agriculture and space technology.
many researchers and journals are publishing
the Correct article usage
show examples
article each year, so
the Correct article usage
show examples
showing every country of level and
countriesChange noun form
show examples
position in the chart.
theCorrect article usage
show examples
weak educational level has
negativeAdd an article
show examples
effect on human and impact
to Change preposition
show examples
the culture,
legAdd an article
show examples
over allCorrect your spelling
show examples
In conclusion, I would maintain that each nation has power because that situation
haveChange the verb form
show examples
anChange the article
show examples
negative effect on human and
Correct article usage
show examples
human'sChange noun form
show examples
future. I hope every place
excellentAdd a missing verb
show examples
and has
ownCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
resourceFix the agreement mistake
show examples
but many companies and
the Correct article usage
show examples
governments do not allow these resources
usingChange the verb form
show examples
peopleChange noun form
show examples