In the recent world, smart devices have increasingly prone the technology and facilities not only for consumers but
business owners, expanding their visibility all over the operations among Linking Words
. Correct pronoun usage
, it has several extents of benefits and drawbacks in citizens’ lifestyles.In Linking Words
,Linking Words
I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using these electronic gadgets or machines.
On one hand, these electronic devices can provide people with the higher and latest technology, and some of the apparent merits can raise productivity and efficiency by decreasing the burdens of tasks of employees and allowing them to focus on their job. Add an article
an essay
the essay
In addition
, it can improve healthcare by enhancing to Linking Words
of effective and accurate strategies to improve patients' health .Somehow, it can have an expansive usage .Replace the word
For instance
, it can be used to ensure and control road conditions to avoid traffic congestion in advance.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, it can lead to various and serious negative effects that need to be addressed Linking Words
asLinking Words
dependence on the internet .Remove the comma
For example
, Smartphone needs a power supply to function and sadly some country doesn't have the internet at all in their neighbourhood these days .Linking Words
, it can be expensive or even requires a minimum level of Linking Words
knowledge and especially for older people which can be really problematic. Replace the word
As a result
, obviously, cybercafé risks remain the most dangerous effect because in some cases our information and personal data are in danger of stealing or hacking.
In conclusion, I do believe that smart devices still developing across the world and it is crucial nowadays even that demerits can outweigh merits among communities, but some problems must be solved with extreme urgency.Linking Words