The diagram below shows the process for recycling products

The diagram below shows the process for recycling products
The picture given above shows how household waste can be used again by recycling. There are nine steps that need to be taken to convert the trash into something useful. Even though there are a lot of processes and steps, we won't be doing it all by ourselves. The government will do most of the job. First and foremost, we need to put our waste into trash cans provided by the government.
, a garbage truck will pick it up and deliver it to the recycling centre.
workers at the centre will sort the garbage into two distinct types because only some can be used. The fourth
is to compress all the eligible waste into one giant block so it will be easier to be used for the fifth
, the fifth
includes crushing giant blocks into pieces and washing those pieces.
, these pieces are still way too big,
we need to convert them into plastic pellets. In the next
, we need to transform the pellets into a form of raw material by heating them.
, we can create various different new stuff from raw materials.
Submitted by alifahrc on

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Introduction: The introduction is missing.
Conclusion: The conclusion is too long.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Basic structure: Change the third paragraph.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Vocabulary: Replace the words step with synonyms.
Vocabulary: Rephrase the word "undefined" in your introduction.
Vocabulary: Only 3 basic words for charts were used.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the third paragraph.
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