some people think animal testing is a necessary evil for both commercial and scientific purposes. What extent do you agree?

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In our modern life, the subject of animal testing is a controversial issue.
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, it is a usual way
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for some
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opponents and proponents when it comes to commercial and scientific aims, those who oppose the immoral process and some who advocate it. I personally tend to agree with the latter.
To begin
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with, there is a group of folk seeing
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as inhumane; in fact, they believe in the idea that no one has the right to take others’ lives. They are
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about abusing mankind’s power.
In other words
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, they should not be given free rein to experience and do experiments on everything they want.
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group have considered it as a cold-blooded human side.
On the other hand
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, there is a more rational group which has known
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tests essential for the improvement of medical treatments.
For example
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, producing some drugs to cure breast cancer could not be possible, unless some experiments were done on rats. It is considered a revolution in the medicines industry.
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, commercial companies that have invested to manufacture medical products have been making a huge profit for their communities.
For instance
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, recently producing the ampule to vaccinate the public in the battle against the Covid 19, have made a great deal of money for
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companies and their societies. In conclusion, despite some individuals who say all living things have an equal right to live, others believe in being a higher rank of human.
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, it is vital for some animals to be sacrificed for making conveniences in our lives.

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