The graph below shows the number of shops that closed and the number of new shops that opened in one country between 2011 and 2018.

The graph below shows the number of shops that closed and the number of new shops that opened in one country between 2011 and 2018.
The graph illustrates the closure and opening numbers of
in a country between 2011 and 2018. As an
assessment, it can be clearly seen that even though there were more
opened than closed in 2011, the
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of closures surpassed the openings in 2018. The trend of the number of businesses closed fluctuated over the given course. The
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closed rocketed from 6000 in 2012 to more than 7000 in 2013.
, the number of business closures plummeted significantly from 6500 in 2014 to less than 1000 in 2015 following another sharp spike in the count in 2016 (more than 5000).
, a wobbly trend was observed in the openings of
across the given timeframe. In 2011, more than 8000 new
existed in the country but the count reduced to a large extent with only 4000 in 2012.
In addition
, another dip was seen in 2015 when the count of new
decreased to 4000 from 6000 in the previous year.
Submitted by shantanusharma094 on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words shops with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "give" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "amount" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "numbers of" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: The word "trend" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • trend
  • fluctuation
  • peak
  • decline
  • surge
  • stabilize
  • correlation
  • economic conditions
  • consumer behavior
  • technological advancements
  • urban development
  • employment
  • retail sector
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