Nowadays celebrities are seen as role models to some young adults as they imitate their lifestyles and fashion sense.
is because most youths want to be in the limelight and Linking Words
could lead to bad habits like drug abuse.
The popular and influential public is usually idolized by adolescents. They see them as their mentors and with Linking Words
era of social media where one can easily keep tabs on activities as portrayed by them, younglings can copy their behaviour and dress sense. Linking Words
For example
, young ones go for cosmetic surgeries and work out just to look like the famous people they admire, the likes of, Kim Kardashian and Beyonce.They Linking Words
enjoy dressing, appearing on red carpets and being seen as more important among their pairs. Celebrities are perceived as wealthy individuals, wearing branded and very expensive apparel and Linking Words
is the dream of most teenagers even though they can't afford it at the moment.
Linking Words
, negative habits Linking Words
as smoking and taking harmful drugs, Linking Words
for instance
, Methadone and excessive intake of alcohol can be emulated by these young ones as well and these could lead to a long-lasting detrimental effect on their health and general well-being. These I'll habits can lead to dropping out of school and eventually causing them to be a social and societal menace. Linking Words
In addition
, the rich appearance of famous folksLinking Words
can lead them to crimes Remove the comma
as armed robbery, extortion and killing just to look important.
In conclusion, the influence and appearance of popular figures which seem eye-catching to the younger generation can Linking Words
as well
affect their attitude Rephrase
also negatively
and the world at large.Rephrase