Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation such as an unsatisfactiory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

There has been growing debate and controversy surrounding the topic of facing terrible
. Some assert that accepting them is the best
others believe that finding approaches to handling them could be better. I will outline two perspectives and explain why I support finding solutions for them is preferable for us. On one hand, the proponents of accepting the situation argue that individuals should live with difficulties including unsatisfactory jobs or financial issues since it is virtually impossible to handle them even though they take action towards them.
For instance
, people who engage in undesired work are unlikely to gain a better one even if they change their job or workplace.
According to
an article in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, numerous Japanese workers who had taken action to improve their
realised that it was almost impossible to find their appropriate job or work environment. Because of
, many are more likely to accept their unwanted lives.
, some strongly believe acceptance of bad environments could be the best method.
On the other hand
, others assert that there are more benefits to the idea that people should try and improve
is simply because they experienced overcoming their serious conditions. In fact, recent research conducted by The University of Tokyo revealed that a huge number of people tended to deal with their hard times easily if they had had
experiences in their past lives. They
mentioned in the report that as these individuals had a deep understanding of the gap between their current
and their aims, they would make the situation better. In conclusion, there seem to have merits in both arguments. On balance,
, I believe finding and taking action on terrible
could be favourable since many of us have the potential in order to handle them and pursue desired future aims.
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