More and more people are reading news online, but newspapers are still the main source of news for most people. To what extend do you agree/disagree?

First of all, technology has improved a lot
as a result
people are able to get live updates from any part of the world. Nowadays,most individuals depend on online websites for daily reports.
, there are individuals who consider newspapers as the major source of updates. In
essay, I will go through both sides of the argument and will extend my support for the latter one. On the one hand, most new generations don't even care about the present day news and they are not bothered about society. But technologies are growing day by day and
as a result
,humans started spending time on mobile phones.
For example
, I was a person who used to read newspapers daily but now I used to depend on online for daily news.
In addition
,the internet is the best source of journals among teenagers.
On the other hand
, there are numerous people who opine that newspapers are the major source of news but it is not completely true. In
modern world, there are other methods too.
, the old generation is not ready to accept the fact.
In addition
,even though,my father uses mobile phones but he completely depends on daily magazines for daily reports and has a habit of reading reports daily.
, he is not ready to accept online websites for
purpose. In conclusion, we should accept the developments and should move
according to
them and should always accept that new inventions are being invented are there are more to we should try to adopt every feature of it.
Submitted by ameeshaaa19 on

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