The chart below shows the expenditure of two countries on consumer goods in 2010.

The chart below shows the expenditure of two countries on consumer goods in 2010.
The bar chart provides a comparison of 2 nations which are
and The UK in terms of their goods spendings in 2010 using 5 different categories ranging from cars to cameras.
, the main feature of the data is that cars had the primary form in the most bought goods for
countries ,
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perfume expenditures were the least.
According to
what is shown, it is evident that cars presented the most consumed category for
and the UK amounting to 400,000 and 450,000 pounds sterling respectively. What is more, books and cameras showed a significant interest for British people as their expenditures were much higher than in
. As for the other categories, the spending on computers where roughly the same for
nations accounting for almost 350,000 pounds sterling.
On the other hand
, perfumes were least popular among people as their spending presented a small number for
and the UK comprising approximately 200,000 and 150,000 pounds sterling in order.
Submitted by ghezlanalharbi5 on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words france, both with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "presented" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • expenditure
  • consumer goods
  • chart
  • countries
  • overall
  • compare
  • analyze
  • categories
  • consumer spending
  • trends
  • proportions
  • statistics
  • increase
  • decrease
  • significant
  • notable
  • remarkable
  • substantial
  • considerable
  • determine
  • conclude
  • in conclusion
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