It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?

The significance of understanding the comparison between what is right and wrong is necessary for kids to learn in the initial days of their lives.
, it is not recommended to punish them severely to make them understand the difference between good and bad. I completely disagree with the statement, and
essay will dictate pointers to support the same.
, elders must provide advice to the younger generation with available examples. To elaborate, for developing a sense of understanding among youngsters, the teachers or the parents must try to acknowledge the child's psychology and offer them advice
For instance
, If a teenager is an extrovert
he can be approached directly,
it would become easier to communicate with him/her in a group or in front of a crowd.
, If she/he is an introvert,
in that case individuals should discuss with them everything in detail without the presence of the other crowd.
In addition
, children of
age are sensitive in nature.
, it is suggested that the approach should be clear and concise.
, adults must select empathy with the choice of words they will be using
conveying the message to the teens. To cite an example, portraying examples of the right doings and wrongdoings in life by showing them an inspirational movie in which all the characters present their work differently. wherein, some people are evil in nature
others are good individuals who know the difference between bad and good, and he chooses right in all the situations of life.
To conclude
, adults must move forward with intelligent steps when parenting a teenager. Because their method of raising a kid will only decide whether the child will be making wise or bad decisions in his life.
Submitted by madhur.bathla on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • punishment
  • positive reinforcement
  • consequences
  • time-outs
  • removal of privileges
  • open communication
  • clear expectations
  • consistency
  • fairness
  • disciplinary action
  • proportionate
  • moral values
  • internalization
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