It is believed that the deteriorating obstacle of polluted air causing damage to surroundings can be tackled by raising the monetary value of several fuels used to run the transportation
as petrol and diesel. Linking Words
, motor vehicles are spreading a vast amount of deleterious smoky particles in the air, increasing their prices is not an appropriate idea, as I firmly opine that encouraging the usage of electric freight and putting a filter on the chimneys of industries will be an efficient way to overcome Linking Words
Linking Words
To begin
with, the first and foremost point is to initiate the preference for vehicles that run on electric power. Linking Words
is because the increment in prices of Linking Words
can easily be afforded by wealthy individuals which leads to the transport will not be affected, but if power vehicles are encouraged by taking severe measures Use synonyms
as diminishing the price level and by putting a ban on Linking Words
engine gadgets. Use synonyms
For instance
, the USA bureaucracy department reveals that more than 50% of Americans bought electric cars and trucks in order to save themselves from penalties. Linking Words
, Linking Words
measure helps to maintain pollution less climate.
Linking Words
, another idea for preparing neat and clean nature is to set purifiers on the pipelines and chimneys of factories. Linking Words
is becauseLinking Words
cars and other motor transports are not the only cause which put terrible trouble to nature, the factories lead to release immense dirt when discharging their waste outside in rivers via pipelines and in surroundings through chimneys, Remove the comma
as a consequence
awful effect on the environment which might be incapable to breathe, so putting purifier on the top side of these pieces of equipment is quite essential for the reason to control harmful particles. Linking Words
For example
, the iron and steel manufacturing company which maintains a proper system to save the environment was awarded as a 'Green industry'.
Linking Words
To conclude
, I have faith that certain steps Linking Words
as banning the supply of Linking Words
cars by influencing people to buy electric transit and purifying the waste of factories are the key points to making a pollution-free habitat rather than increasing the market prices of Use synonyms
.Use synonyms