Many manfactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which casues many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, many individuals suffer from well-being complications
due to
their food intake and lifestyle. It is often seen that these days, a huge number of manufactured food and drink items contain high levels of sugar, which have a lot of side effects. It is usually argued whether these products must be made more costly so that the pricing factor discourages
from purchasing them. I do not agree with them, and
essay will elucidate my assertions in the forthcoming paragraphs. Certainly, an increasing number of individuals are suffering from diabetes and obesity
due to
the consumption of highly sugary substances.
, making sweeteners more expensive is not the solution as it can affect businesses to a large extent.
For instance
, personnel associated with sugary products food industry, like cakes, pastries, etc., can get severely impacted if the government imposes higher taxes.
can cause many companies to shut down, and the unemployment rate will
increase tremendously, thereby giving rise to other problems.
, in case the prices of sweet substances rise, still the upper middle class and rich
will be able to buy them.
solution will only cause a decrease in the purchasing power of middle-class and poor
, increasing prices will not eradicate the health issues of the public. So, rather than
, I believe the government authorities must create awareness about the possible fitness complications that one can go through if sugar and its products are consumed.
For example
, in the United States, the authorities conducted campaigns related to health issues and recorded approximately 45% improvement in personnel’s diet.
, by making
aware of issues, we can definitely motivate individuals to consume less carbohydrates.
To conclude
, indeed, it is the need of the hour to pay attention to the degrading physical conditions of society. Making carbohydrates and their goods expensive can discourage some buyers.
, in order to make a difference in society and encourage the masses, it is necessary to create awareness so that
themselves take the initiative toward a healthier lifestyle.
Submitted by prabhunisha0994 on

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