It is important fot children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?

It is argued that
should be taught from the early stages of life what is right and what is wrong, and as the term of
statement, some people would highly recommend punishment as a significant tool.
I agree that there should be some methods of nurturing them, I think using penalty as a controlling object might just have detrimental consequences on
's life. The first point to take into account is conducting new approaches,
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encouraging ones. What I mean is,
of scolding youngsters for their false behaviour, it is more beneficial to encourage them into doing positive activities which can help them improve their competence and character.
For example
, parents and instructors play a crucial role in teaching them how to be
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kind-hearted people through their actions, and at the same time, they can state the negative side of cruelty. The second point is that penalizing
can have harmful and inevitable effects on their mentality and spiritual aspects or even on their physical status.
In other words
, by remarking and highlighting the negative features of your child, you would merely suppress their emotions and
their self-confidence.
, a number of
can lose their physical ability and face some serious flaws
as a result
of adult body punishment. In conclusion, a majority of people still think that scolding is necessary
rising up your youngster ,
, I firmly believe that there are some other ways to help them distinguish the difference between false and right.
Submitted by omidateur on

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