The tendency of news reports in the media to focus more on problems and emergencies rather than on positive developments is harmful to the individuals and the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Throughout the years, the
had started to mainly concentrate on posting negative
as terror attacks, political issues and other natural disasters rather than sharing positive announcements. Some say that having
reports so tragic leads to damage to individuals and society itself and I agree with
statement. In
essay, I will explain why sharing only negative stories is bad for the
, sharing only problems and emergencies can have direct effects on people's mental health. Experts claim that surrounding yourself with negative people and
leads to negative thoughts.
, depression rates are increasing and many people nowadays suffer from poor mental health, mostly
due to
constantly hearing the terrible scandals.
For example
, in the year 2020, when the Coronavirus pandemic hit the globe, the only
that was spread was about how the issue
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getting worse.
As a result
, many felt desperate, frustrated and depressed.
, focusing on the awful stories that happen in the
leads to an emotional split in society. Most of the tragic announcements reported on the
cause an emotional reaction from their viewers, leading to physical and violent actions towards others.
For instance
the government in Israel was recently trying to legislate new rules, the
was filled with stories about
issue. It led to protests and riots on the streets from citizens who were against and in favour of the change. Having it posted on the first page of every newspaper only made the situation more controversial, the Israeli citizens were mad at each other and many
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that the public
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in a social crisis.
it is true that the
' main purpose is to educate the
about the current state of the globe,
, it should be honest and straightforward, sometimes it does more damage than good and in my view, it is vital to report more positive developments that happen in the
. In conclusion, I believe that having the
reports and the
focused more on problems rather than happy outcomes is harmful to individuals and society as a whole, based on mental and emotional reasons.
Submitted by mayab2001 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • news reports
  • media focus
  • negative news
  • positive developments
  • stress and anxiety
  • skewed perception of reality
  • world view
  • desensitization
  • pessimistic outlook
  • general public
  • mental well-being
  • proactive problem-solving
  • holistic view
  • informed decision-making
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