Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

It is true that more and more children have become addicted to smartphones. There are a range of factors that lead to
phenomenon, and in my opinion,
is totally a bad sign. There is a number of reasons for
is the era of technology and kids are exposed to technological devices from birth, so they become accustomed to playing with a smartphone at a very young age.
For example
, a lot of adults use smartphones to calm babies when they are crying or attract their attention when feeding.
, today’s mothers and fathers are too busy to interact with their offspring, and they,
, see
equipment as a saviour to keep their kids occupied.
, there are so many enthralling and exciting programs on phones
as youtube or video games, and with the nature of less self-control, young people are hard to put their phones down. I do believe
has detrimental effects on children. Sticking to phones leads them to a sedentary lifestyle which is one of the precursors of serious health problems.
For example
, lacking outdoor activities and connection with peers are factors that cause obesity and depression.
In addition
, a lot of information on the internet is not censored, children,
, are easily influenced by improper content
as offensive, violent, and sexual video games, and
may form the wrong perspectives and behaviours in their lives.
, by pouring time into
bad habit, pupils do not have enough time for homework and will go behind in their studies, and
their future suffers. In conclusion, the character of the technological day, parents are program makers are responsible for smartphone abuse on kids, and
affects their health physically and mentally and their prospect lives.
Submitted by mariatuyet82 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • smartphones
  • usage
  • technology
  • accessibility
  • convenience
  • entertainment
  • gaming
  • social media
  • communication
  • educational resources
  • addiction
  • dependence
  • negative effects
  • physical health
  • mental health
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