Some people think that private health care is better for people. Others say that health care should be free of charge and run by the government. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of private health service. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

In the health ecosystem, the public is divided into two main groups. Some of them argue that
field should be operated privately,
others think it will be better if the authorities focus on
issue. In the following paragraphs, I will detail the merits and demerits when the medication sector is run privately.
, there will be examples as a way to strengthen my opinions. In the beginning, medical treatments which are operated privately can increase their quality.
For instance
as a consequence
of the private which operates health care in the USA,
country has the best healthcare among other countries, specifically developing states. It can happen in view of when customers pay massively for services, some stakeholders
as hospitals and professional employees will have enormous capital.
, based on economics, when capital as an essential resource is
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adequate in quantity, services can be given exceptionally.
On the other hand
occasion can cause several problems. Obviously, citizens who do not have a sufficient budget cannot access medical management.
, there will be probabilities later when therapeutical products are sent to societies that can pay sufficiently. Later, if the authorities never
Wrong verb form
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issue, there will be conflicts which are constructed by the notion that the written items are used exclusively by people who are prowess to purchase the treatments.
For example
, before mass health insurance was released, the majority of people who gained benefits from the medical sector were the fortune population.
To conclude
, if non-government elements manage the hospitalization realm, it can
Verb problem
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good implications like developing the quality of items which will be released.
, there will be a stigma which is poor societies cannot acquire the discussed products.
Submitted by misstiasclassroom on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure that your introduction clearly states your position on the topic and briefly outlines the main points that you will cover in the essay. Additionally, the conclusion should summarize the key points made in the essay and restate your position. This will help to provide a clear overall structure to your essay.
task response
Make sure to fully address all aspects of the question. Your essay should discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of private healthcare, and your own opinion should be clearly presented. Consider using specific examples to support your points and provide a more balanced argument.
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