It is the most important part of the individual's life to get
successfulCorrect article usage
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career and study
famousChange preposition
show examples
universities. Currently, some
of Change preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
youngsters prefer to educate in the
in order to build their ultimate goals in the future
toChange preposition
show examples
countrysidesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. There are a few positive and negative sides
ofChange preposition
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in Change preposition
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the Correct article usage
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On the one hand, a few of the young people want to study and
in the
, there are many different facilities there so as to live and educate.
today's youngsters desire to use these opportunities.
, many years ago, a cousin of mine preferred to educate and find well-paid
in the city to his hometown. After he came to the city he took a chance to get his ultimate goal.
, he achieved his best achievement
studying well.
a famous company gave him a job and
aCorrect article usage
show examples
high salary he wanted.
, there are some of the disadvantages in urban
airAdd an article
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ofChange preposition
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areChange the verb form
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not fresher than
ruralChange preposition
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because of having more vehicles.
, the person who prefers to live in the city can
be getChange the verb form
show examples
serious illness to breathe air pollution.
they do not
contactAdd a missing verb
show examples
with their family so as to live far from them. These situations cause different troubles for those who want to
and study in urban
. Another reason is that they do not arrive
theirChange preposition
show examples
birthplace even though they desire to live in rural
, some
of Change preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
young people prefer to educate and
to their
countrysidesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
there are a few
beneficialReplace the word
show examples
drawbackFix the agreement mistake
show examples
sides of populating in rural
. I have tried to answer relevant examples from my experience.