Sport Should Be Compulsory In School. To What Extent Do You Agree Or Disagree?

In the modern world, it is argued that the differential in people’s work and income becomes more and more severe. There are some people earning a lot of money in exchange for working overtime,
others are not only unemployed but
have their time wasted, and there is no middle ground.
, I strongly support the argument for the following reasons.
, social destabilization is the consequence of the recent economic crisis and the affection of Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19, the rapid increase in oil
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and so on have made all the enterprises struggle to survive, so cutting down their personnel is a solution. There is a piece of recent research conducted by the Vietnamese government found that over 95
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per cent
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of companies in Vietnam have terminated their workers.
, to maintain
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work efficiency and
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profit, the remained employees have to overwork with a huge salary. So,
social issue now is understandable.
, another reason is the labour’s accomplishment. If there is a termination, the corporations always consider
to lay
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off those who are not certificated or not as high productivity as the others.
, there are a number of careers that can be replaced by robots. With the advanced technology, many occupations in
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that are repeated and facile will only have robots taken over.
is the reason for the severe social destabilization today. In conclusion, social destabilization today is alarming.
, it is contemporary and we now recover from
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the Covid-19
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pandemic. So, we now are standing a good chance to decrease the unbalance in people’s work and salary.
Submitted by jakelong16091994 on

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Linking words for giving examples:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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