Many people in poor countries die from diseases that are curable because they cannot afford the medication required. Do you believe that drug companies should make their products available at reduced prices in these countries?

There are many people in less developed countries that don't have enough money to provide themselves with the drugs they need. In my opinion, pharmaceutical companies should not reduce their prices as it is not their job to help people in
way. Drug companies are producing every single medication
that is
needed, even for very rare diseases that are not common at all. Their obligation is to manufacture those chemical products and make them available for the market but they can't be responsible for how reachable they are in different countries. Those companies invest a lot of money not only in the research and development of their products but
in modern and safe machines and technologies for fabrication.
is why they can't afford to lower their prices in some states.
For example
, Pfizer is a big pharmaceutical company, producing all kinds of drugs and a decrease in their costs could mean limited sources for development.
, I do believe that some people do need help to cure their illnesses and that
job should be entrusted to the government.
there is a National health system in every country, providing money for the one in need, In my ,view there should be more investments in public health and disease prevention.
For instance
, when a company produce some kind of medicine
National system, for ,example Bulgarian, is the one that reduces the price for the patient by paying a certain part of the cost. In conclusion, I would say that drug corporations should do their part of the process, which is manufacturing products and not bother about lowering prices.
Submitted by delulcheva on

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Answer the 'Problem and Solution' topic

Problem-and-solution essays fall naturally into two parts, the first describing and exploring the problem, the second setting out the solution or solutions.

You essay structure should look something like this:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph 1 – Problems
  • Body paragraph 2 – Solutions
  • Conclusion

Examples to start your body paragraph:

  • One of the first problems of the...
  • Another problem that needs to be considered...
  • A possible solution to this problem would be...
  • One immediate practical solution is to...

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Generic drugs
  • Patent laws
  • Healthcare disparity
  • Subsidies
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Intellectual property
  • Epidemiology
  • Affordability
  • Global health initiatives
  • Corporate social responsibility
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