The most important aim of science should be to improve people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Scientific breakthroughs can greatly impact society, and there is a statement that the purpose of
field is to make the everyday
of individuals better. In my opinion,
sometimes the benefits of science can be seen right away, it is important to understand that not every research can be immediately useful. On the one hand, there is the idea that the main purpose of science is to enhance people’s
, and I cannot disagree. Surely, a lot of scientific activities aim to improve
, especially in areas related to healthcare.
It is clear that
humanity strives to solve problems that may seem unsolvable,
as finding a cure for cancer or treating chronic disorders, both mental and physical. These achievements would be major milestones. Another field that can benefit individuals is technology. Nowadays, anyone in the world, regardless of their geographical location, can access knowledge from all over the globe using the Internet.
accessibility can help both individuals and society, as anyone can become a specialist without leaving their house.
, in some advanced countries, technology has made it easy to pay bills, order groceries, communicate, or perform other activities in a matter of minutes, compared to days in the past.
On the other hand
, not every research can bring immediate benefits, and
that is
something everyone should consider. Sometimes, it is difficult to explain why certain studies are funded by the government and taxpayers, but they are
For example
, in fields like space exploration, it is hard to understand and quantify the potential benefits for regular people.
, these research
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are vital for maintaining progress and may lead to new developments, often in unexpected fields.
, some scientific advancements may not have a direct impact on human
, but they can contribute to safety,
as military
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or weapons designed to prevent armed conflicts.
To sum up
science can indeed improve the
of people, it is important to understand that some advancements may not have an immediate and obvious impact.
Submitted by s_syedy on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • crucial role
  • enhancing
  • quality of human life
  • advancements
  • medicine
  • healthcare
  • scientific research
  • solving societal problems
  • improving living standards
  • global issues
  • climate change
  • food scarcity
  • technological advancements
  • limitations
  • negative consequences
  • ethical considerations
  • sustainability
  • environmental preservation
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