In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains betwee cities Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing pub transport. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is often argued that some humankind considers spending a huge amount of
on setting up new railway lines for fast trains between towns is very crucial,
some other individuals think that
should be spent on enhancing existing infrastructure.In
essay, I will discuss both these views, and I will give my opinion. At the outset, some people believe that when the government spend
to construct new roads,
will achieve many benefits.
For example
, if anybody travels from a certain place to another city by a new fast train, more time will be saved.
In addition
to that, all passengers will feel more comfortable and relaxed, because the long distance for travelling between cities is reduced.
, if fast trains are used to transfer various types of materials to be sold in markets,
will encourage trade between different cities,
the economic status of the country will be better. In sharp contrast to
, some other individuals think that if the authority spends cash to improve the existing public transport, it will be more beneficial where a small amount of
will be consumed.
, funds can be used in other fields
as building hospitals, universities, and scientific research.
, the government should only build a new road when it is mandatory, and it will introduce a new service to the city. In conclusion,
, I believe that constructing new railways for fast trains between cities is very important; as it will make the city very beautiful and famous for modernity, I cannot ignore the positive consequences of improving the existing means of transport.
Submitted by sm710129 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • economic growth
  • connectivity
  • reduced travel times
  • environmental benefits
  • accessibility
  • maintenance
  • reliable services
  • cost-effectiveness
  • infrastructure
  • transformative
  • sustainability
  • affordability
  • inclusivity
  • transportation planning
  • comprehensive analysis
  • societal impact
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