everybody should be allowed to university study programs regardless of their level of academic ability. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience?

it is often argued that all students should be given an equal opportunity to get admission into a university without considering their previous grades. I partially agree with
statement as it will encourage more students to apply for higher education, but at the same time, it might admit people who do not have true potential.
essay will
highlight the causes and will discuss them in depth.
To begin
with, the reason why I agree that everyone should be given the chance to apply for graduate programs is because some young children do have the potential but for some reason, they were not able to portray their talent well in school.
For instance
, I have seen teenagers with excellent potential, but
due to
some distractions, like being in a relationship affect their grades and
, their future is affected.
In addition
, it could be unfair to let teenagers' emotional decisions be the deciding element of their future.
factor should be taken into consideration
deciding the eligibility criteria for applicants to apply for
On the other hand
, the reason I am not in full support of
cause is that, if there are no exclusion criteria in place to get into a graduate program, people will not take their high school studies seriously.
For example
, if I know that I am going to be able to fill out the forms for my dream college without achieving certain scores, I will never work hard to get the.
, it is unfair to those who have worked extremely hard to get the best results.
As a result
, it will demotivate those who have been putting in their sweat to achieve their dreams.
To conclude
, in my opinion, having
policy can benefit some students but it can
upset the foundation on which the literary system is built, which is competition.
, I think some exceptions should be made by introducing an aptitude test for those whose scores do not qualify for admission.
Submitted by z.ghadia on

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