Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that some
companies should settle a higher price which leads residents harder to afford their products and decreases their sugar intake because
that is
a disadvantageous way for diets to influence their health. I do believe
that is
a beneficial method for inhabitants to avoid the disease. On the one hand,citizens who eat too much sweet
will get ill easily.
,people choose sweet
to provide nutrients, which can result in heart attacks.
For instance
, specialists conduct research that some patients die from excess fat causes heart disease and the pathogenesis is eating numerous sugar.
bad behaviour
leads middle age group citizens to suffer from diabetes which is difficult to cure.
, these products which are very sweet are key factors to contribute teenagers' being overweight compared with their age group.
On the other hand
, enhancing the
of desert and drinks is a method to reduce the demand of civilians who wants to buy unhealthy snacks.
To begin
with, inhabitants realize the
of manufactured foods are not friendly, which would cause their declining appetites towards them relatively .
,costly expenditures would make the frequency of buying highly sugary foods become lower.
For example
, several cake stores sold their products at a more expensive price
it tests delicious, customers just buy the cakes on special days. In conclusion, improving the
of snacks which are high in sugar is a pivotal point to diminish the risk to personal physical condition. I do support the idea that
company enhances the sales
to avoid the over purchase among customers.
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Topic Vocabulary:
  • health problems
  • manufactured food and drink products
  • sugary products
  • excessive sugar consumption
  • discourage
  • promote
  • healthier choices
  • reduce
  • increased taxes
  • fund
  • health education
  • prevention programs
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