Some people believe that everyone has right to university education. Therefore, government should make university education free for eyeryone, no matter what their financial bockground is. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

It has been opined that the high authorities should not charge a high amount to the students for learning at colleges. I completely agree with
statement as it is necessary to bring a good change in society, and the same will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs. To commence with, it has been commonly said that education is a basic human right, so bureaucracy should not get money from learners, and it could have the following benefits for the nation.
, when underprivileged children could pursue their higher studies,
they could have better opportunities to work.
, they could raise their living standard and lead a good life.
For instance
, intelligent youngsters, who are extraordinary, can
receive good qualifications and contribute to bringing betterment to the country.
, it would be a good way to bring equality to the state.
, developed parts of the world are known for the balance between the income of the rich and the poor.
, if everyone has the provision for educating themselves, they need not rely on others to meet their fundamental requirements.
, nowadays, parents owe banks or money lenders for the expenses, they had utilised for their children's fees,
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their wards cannot get relief later on.
For example
, youngsters have got a good source of income after accomplishing their studies, they spent the majority of their life in paying for
loans. In conclusion, a university education is a way to brighten the future of adults,
huge tuition fees have created complications for people.
, if the federal body would be financially responsible on behalf of parents, every child could fulfil their dreams.
Submitted by jhajjravneet9 on

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