some people feel that using technology is the best way to solve all our current and future problems in society, while others think we are becoming dependent and should focus on other solutions. Do you think that benefits of technology outweigh the possible disadvantages?

Over the past few decades, there have been tremendous advancements in the field of
, which have made our lives convenient and comfortable. It is often argued whether it is the best solution to our present
as well as
future issues. Some people believe that as we are too dependent on
, we must concentrate on other choices we have in order to reduce dependency. I disagree with them, and
essay will elucidate my assertions
along with
the advantages and disadvantages in the forthcoming paragraphs. Well, we have certainly come a long way in terms of innovation. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are influenced by
in many ways. Even at home, machines like dishwasher, refrigerator, television set, washing machine, microwave, etc. help us to conduct our jobs faster and saves us a lot of time.
, we can buy a product or service without carrying cash as we can pay the seller using a card or online.
For instance
, during the pandemic, when the entire world was under lockdown and the movements of people were restricted, businessmen and students could continue their operations and study only with the help of the internet.
, using technologically driven products and services makes our life easy and efficient.
, just like every coin has two sides,
too has negative implications. As we overly rely on it for our daily chores, it makes us lazy.
, we frequently hear of scams related to the internet which makes it very challenging to use.
For example
, scandals pertaining to net banking are quite common and victims usually lose a lot of money if they fall prey to it.
, we must be very cautious
dealing with
because it is being misused to a large extent. To summarise,
has become an integral part of our lives. Every individual uses it in some form or the other. We can never rule it out completely even if we use alternative sources and focus on other solutions. Even though we are heavily dependent on innovation and
, we definitely cannot imagine our lives without it because the pros of using it outweigh its cons.
Submitted by prabhunisha0994 on

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