Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

The same commodities are prevalent in the globe as they can be propagated to different countries more easily nowadays. I personally believe
phenomenon can make human life easier and can even bring some financial revenues to
. To commence, the similarity in goods sold assists businessmen or tourists in accommodating to new environments.
For example
, I once travelled to Europe. When I was plugging in my hairdryer, the wires of it burned up because of the different electricity pressure.
By contrast
, my laptop could still be used safely under 220V because the producers target global markets in the first place.
As a result
, if
are designed to sell to the globe by nature,
that kind of safety issue can be avoided.
, the
might benefit from global markets because of the difference in price setting of the same
. The pricing strategy of a commodity often considers the financial status of the financial condition of its buyers .
, the same commodity can have different prices in varied countries.
In other words
can save some money when buying these
from a country with a lower price.
For instance
, the fee of YouTube membership in India is two times lower than the one in Taiwan.
, some local farmers might claim that imported goods
as fresh fruits from Thailand have tremendous impacts on the local farming industries. As the price of the fruits is less competitive than the one from Thailand, the sales number of fruits dropped severely.
, even though I know it can be challenging for local farmers, I believe the difficulty can help the farming industry
Verb problem
show examples
step out of its comfort zone. Inspiring the framers to rethink what is the characteristic of Taiwanese
and how to make them competitive in other ways. In conclusion, despite some impacts during the process of globalization, the rise in accessibility of the same goods improve the quality of tourists' life.
can save some money
buying the same
in different countries.
Submitted by qooe212156822000 on

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Coherence and cohesion
Ensure that the introduction and conclusion are well-developed with a clear thesis statement and summary. Also, use cohesive devices such as transition words and linking phrases to improve the coherence of the essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • globalization
  • diversity
  • homogenization
  • cultural assimilation
  • global connection
  • local businesses
  • economic impact
  • consumerism
  • standardization
  • westernization
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