Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world. Do you think is a positive or negative development?

due to
the rapid expansion of global trade, people are able to purchase almost anything they desire from all over the world.
As a result
, individuals share more similarities in the way they live than before.
, the standards of living are rising globally. In
essay, I will illustrate why
phenomenon, despite a few drawbacks, is a beneficial formation for countries. These days, humans’ accessibility to buy certain products is no longer a matter of choice.
in the past, the population was restricted to procuring anything they needed from local producers.
, nowadays, because of various industrial innovations the trade industry has become one of the most priorities globally.
, people not only are capable of purchasing merchandise from different states but
, they are able to boost their economy as well.
For example
, the Chinese government supported their commercial sectors in order to supply their nation with all sorts of new technologies from abroad. By using
approach, their state has emerged as a new global superpower.
, when a nation is provided with the newest goods, especially anything related to improving education, it could act as a catalyst for them in order to boost the quality of the educational system.
On the other hand
, there might be a few disadvantages when estates become like each other. The more access to different products a nation has, the more it may guide them to make a distance from locally made stuff which has a background in their culture.
For example
, the hand-made carpet industry in Iran once was very popular. Since imported cheap carpets from abroad have become free of taxation, almost the whole industry with its rich historic background has vanished. In conclusion, the world is changing because of the drastic improvements in commercial sectors. Now, people experience fewer boundaries and face new opportunities to progress in both their personal and social life. Despite some negative aspects, In my perspective,
phenomenon can have many affirmative outcomes for mankind.
Submitted by m.lotfipour92 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • globalization
  • diversity
  • homogenization
  • cultural assimilation
  • global connection
  • local businesses
  • economic impact
  • consumerism
  • standardization
  • westernization
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