People have different views on environmental issues with some individuals saying that the dying out of many plants or animal species is more important than other environmental problems.
there are many problems in the environment, I do believe that the imbalance of species diversity is the most essential issue today.
On the one hand,those who say things like global warming are more important than the life systems on our planet, I can understand their point of view even if it is not clear. Global warming is affecting our planet in a very negative way. Undoubtedly Linking Words
that is
a major factor of pollution all over the world. Linking Words
For example
, Linking Words
issues have more effects on human life. Linking Words
, industrial pollution is known to cause cancers, and cutting down trees is a major to climate change and soil pollution that can affect where people are living.
Linking Words
, I believe that the reduction of vegetation and animal life is too serious, which can explain why the ecosystem is in Linking Words
danger. Without the support of the lower-level creature, any creature would die out very quickly. Linking Words
For instance
, in Linking Words
system, everything is step by step. Plants would be eaten by insects, which would feed birds, and Linking Words
they would be eaten by large mammals or as prey killed by other creatures. If there are any step is lost, the whole system will be full of mistakes and might bring so many problems all over the world. There will be many results that people can not solve.Linking Words
is the reason why I support humans Linking Words
should protect
animals and plants is most important.
In conclusion, I can understand the reason why individuals think there are many questions about the environment,but I would argue that they can protect creatures is more important than others.Wrong verb form