Presently, a number of advanced technologies have influenced our lives. It causes an opinion that the previous great innovation may be harmful to our civilization.
, I disagree with the stated idea. From my consideration, augmented discoveries have positive implications for modern life. Linking Words
notion will be cleared deeply in the following paragraphs.
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To begin
with, we gain a plethora of positive impacts from technology. Linking Words
For example
, we are assisted to cease several diseases Linking Words
as cancer and polio based on exceptional hospitalization treatment. From the given illustration, by using augmented innovation in the medical ecosystem, we are able to help numerous people who suffer from some diseases by giving them effective treatment and required medicines which could not be done a couple of centuries ago when the scientific discoveries in physiology did not reach progressed. Linking Words
great condition can cause several developments, namely rising life expectancy, ceasing death ratio during the baby phase, and obliterating pandemics.
Turning to another example, communication is developed extremely by realizing a number of innovative ideas. Starting from the telegraph, innumerable platforms which can help us to chat with someone have been constructed. In Linking Words
kind of field, people from different parts of the world are able to contact their relatives in another area which was not realized numerous centuries ago. Linking Words
As a consequence
of Linking Words
development, the transmission of messages can be done in the easiest way, cheapest medium, and instant occasion. Linking Words
For instance
, I was prowess to initiate communication with my lecturers who were far away from me by using the internet.
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To conclude
, I declare my argumentation that a plethora of magnificent devices which exist currently have countless exceptional development for us. Several aspects of our present lives have been helped by them Linking Words
as the communication field and hospitalization ecosystem.Linking Words