19.Some people think that museums and art galleries should concentrate on showing local works rather than the cultures or artworks from other parts of the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

As we all know, art plays a vital role in the development of human civilization.
In addition
to its pure recreational function, it
has a deeper technical significance. Some people think that local museums should only exhibit local products. Personally, I take issue with
statement and will elaborate on my views in the following paragraphs. First of all, the most important point is that displaying works of art from different cultures can help our future generations gain a deep understanding of the glorious history of mankind.
means that priceless ancestral spirit and wisdom can be exchanged and properly passed on.
For example
, with the help of rapidly developing technology, Taiwanese residents are fortunate enough to have the opportunity not only to see well-preserved local cultural relics but
to appreciate fascinating cultural relics from foreign cultures
as the United Kingdom. In
way, Taiwanese people can properly develop their own vision and international awareness.
, displaying artworks from different cultures can be an effective way to promote economic development. I mean, if exhibitions can be made more attractive, people will be more motivated and willing to buy tickets. In
way, the potential for huge profits from tourism can be imagined.
For example
, the Chimei Museum, a renowned museum in Taiwan, holds dozens of large-scale exhibitions every year. Facts have proven that
is highly beneficial to Taiwan's economic development. In summary, there are definite points where I disagree with the above arguments, ranging from expanding art-related knowledge to supporting gains.
, I strongly recommend that artworks from different countries should not be excluded from local museums and galleries.
Submitted by y2083749065 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • cultural gateways
  • global heritage
  • diversity
  • interconnectedness
  • global citizenship
  • empathy
  • community identity
  • preserve
  • celebrate
  • recognition
  • support
  • inclusive
  • educational experience
  • comprehensive view
  • human creativity
  • economic benefits
  • tourism
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