You have enrolled in an evening course but you have found that you are too busy to continue and would like to take the course next term instead. Write a letter to your teacher. In your letter: explain the situation and why you cannot continue the course say what you would like to do about your studies ask for advice about what you can do about the situation

Dear Mr. Smith I am writing regarding the
course that I have been attending at your
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the evening hours. I need to say that, unfortunately,
due to
my involvement in an urgent task at my work, I will not be able to continue my
classes during the coming period. As you are aware, I am working as a project manager in a construction
Correct your spelling
. A new contract has been awarded to our company, and I have been given the mission to complete
project in a tight time frame. In
situation, I will have to stay extra hours at my office to ensure that the work progresses satisfactorily.
, I am still interested in completing the
Correct your spelling
, but I would prefer to reschedule it
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the next term when I will have completed my new project and can spare enough time for studying. I
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appreciate it if you could direct me to the appropriate action that I have to take in order to arrange for postponing my course. I thank you in advance for your assistance. Kindest regards Matt Davison
Submitted by oktavianisaa123 on

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task achievement
You might want to elaborate slightly more on the solution or alternatives proposed, such as how you'll manage the course in the next term or any specific help you might need from the teacher.
coherence cohesion
Consider linking the paragraphs more explicitly with transition words to enhance the flow between your ideas.
task achievement
The letter has a clear and polite tone, which is suitable for this context.
coherence cohesion
The letter is well-organized with a logical structure, and each paragraph addresses a single idea.
greeting and closing
Your greeting and closing are appropriate and add to the formality and politeness of the letter.
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