The most important aim of science ought to be to improve people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is generally acknowledged that the main purpose of
is to benefit individuals and contribute to the quality of their lives. Personally, I firmly agree with
notion for two main reasons.
To begin
, as we know it today, was derived from the curiosity and the need of humans to understand the meaning behind the unknown. In ancient times, people perceived a variety of phenomena
as natural disasters or astrological events as supernatural.
For instance
, floods were wiping away the villages, the grain farms were destroyed by pest infestation and people thought it was the punishment of the Gods.
, there was
the need to find solutions so that the daily lives of common folk were not impacted dramatically. There were governing bodies even in ancient civilizations who looked for practical solutions to these disasters.
, illnesses
as malaria or Spanish flu are one of the most deadly historical events. Malaria is still a serious health issue in some underdeveloped parts of the world. Scientists and researchers have been making experiments to prevent the aforementioned diseases and contribute to the quality of human life by mitigating the risks. In the contemporary world, individuals have a longer life span and pursue more comfortable lives thanks to the developments in the
, the core target of
has always been to benefit individuals by solving mysteries, analyzing deadly diseases and providing an answer. In conclusion, I strongly agree that
’s main purpose is to help people pursue a better quality of life by researching the existing threats to humanity and finding solutions to these threats.
Submitted by akmangizem on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • crucial role
  • enhancing
  • quality of human life
  • advancements
  • medicine
  • healthcare
  • scientific research
  • solving societal problems
  • improving living standards
  • global issues
  • climate change
  • food scarcity
  • technological advancements
  • limitations
  • negative consequences
  • ethical considerations
  • sustainability
  • environmental preservation
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