In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way. Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

There are numerous ways for
to advertise their products, they even emphasize that theirs are the newest ones. It happened to follow the trend so that they can defend their businesses and I believe it will bring positive development. It is undebatable that businessmen will endeavour their
' growth. One of the positive effects resulting from the aforementioned action is through the activity,
their innovation which results in more attention from
, they will indirectly obtain more benefits through their innovative ways.
for example
, "Apple" will always innovate new gadgets or technology in order to satisfy its
. Their techniques of advertising bring them to lead the technology
in the world.
In addition
that practically apply the trend
that they are up-to-date businesses. Innovating and showing that they have new products will make them become
that can follow the trend. It
strengthens their existence in the world
For instance
, many retail
will produce a new style of dress to
their characteristics. It leads them to be well-known in their own
. Not only for the
but the
can get the benefits, because they do not have much time to know which style is trending nowadays. In conclusion, businesses that advertise their products by telling something new and bringing innovation to the
will be well-known by
, It can
their existence and make them stronger in
competition. Not only that, Customer will find it easier to choose their needs from the advertisements provided.
Submitted by misstiasclassroom on

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Develop your main points with specific and detailed examples. The examples you've provided are a bit general. More concrete and elaborate examples could strengthen your argument and increase your score.
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Address different views on the issue to fully meet the task's requirements. You could add a paragraph that considers possible negative consequences of this trend, before concluding with your own stance.

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I really want to study but I’m too tired.

I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • emphasise
  • advertising
  • products
  • innovation
  • competitive strategy
  • consumer dissatisfaction
  • value
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