in the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will. able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is no denying the fact that advanced technology plays a crucial role in human life nowadays.
it is a commonly held belief that reading in real is better than online reading for the majority of readers. There is
an argument that opposes it. In my opinion, I consider that website gives you the chance to go on a virtual reading.
To begin
with, the main reason is that folk will choose to read newspapers online rather than realistically to preserve expending money.
In other words
, people can read various kinds of papers through the internet
as articles, scientific and political without charge monthly.
In addition
, pupils have been carrying a heavy back bag to school, the alternatives are changed the way to electronic devices which could be the easiest.
For example
, if a youth used to handle a big case, they might have a risk of back arm pain. Another point to consider is when you touch papers to read, it will be more different and valuable things. It is
possible to say that touching paper physically is more healthy and more secure for the eyes in the long term. So, that
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, most of the citizens get reading directly in real, especially older folk.
, the book’s smell is awesome for them.
For instance
, after printing the newspaper, it
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a specific smell and soft touch that elderly people prefer it. In conclusion, despite people
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different views. I believe that reading printed books or
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is the best approach for our health.
Submitted by roua808 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • accessibility
  • convenience
  • cost-effective
  • cultural value
  • sentimental value
  • reliability
  • distracting
  • access to
  • digital devices
  • internet
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