at the present time, the poulation of some countries includes a relatively larg number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

In some countries, the population of the young generation surpass the senior citizens. There is
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ongoing debate on the positive and negative sides of
topic. From my perspective, the advantages exceed the disadvantages.
To begin
with, the main benefits of young adults are better productivity and more workforce. The younger minds contain new attitudes and modern opinion systems. If a young individual sets foot in a place, he will come up with new solutions for issues. That's the reason why the younger ones make a profit.
For instance
, it would be worthwhile if a company hire a young graduate
of someone who will be retiring soon.
, as we get older our body's capability to work properly will decline.
, the young people's abilities are far better and they would become appropriate professionals.
On the other hand
, the drawbacks cannot be ignored. First of all,
according to
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advancement, younger people tend to be passive. Everyone agrees that disaster is waiting for us without taking life seriously by young adults.
For example
, researchers have shown that people in
age group have been involved in the digital world and are unable to concentrate on essential issues. Second of all, the overpopulation of younger one lead to more educational demands. There must be adequate facilities, colleges and academic opportunities for increasing numbers of the younger generation. If society doesn't take notice, we will face teenagers with no useful skills
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ambitions. No one would be more hazardous than a
20 year old
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aimless person. In conclusion, it seems to me that there are some drawbacks.
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the pros outweigh the cons. The government is obligated to put more effort into issues concerning younger ones. With
approach, our delightful future will become achievable.
Submitted by niloofar.ot92 on

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