Full-time university students spend a lot of time studying. Some say they should do other activities too.

It is believed that undergraduates should focus on studying,
some see other
as important as well.It is widely acknowledged that the two things are equally significant. On one hand, hitting the books is the most crucial thing to be a good student and makes you get good jobs easier.As admission comes to school to gain more knowledge,the essential thing they have to do is study hard.
That is
why enlistment is encouraged to get good grades by scholarship.
,the best company always judge a student by his or her grades in school,
as a result
, undergraduates should study as hard as possible to enter the dream company.
That is
why students should spend most of their time studying.
On the other hand
, attending other
not only can enhance your efficiency in studying but
benefit your career.There is no debate that taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey, and so does enlistment.
, having a hobby or doing some exercise
as playing basketball and having a nice sleep is helpful for exhausted admission to re-energize themselves and get away from extreme stress.
,because excellent recruitment gathers in universities, you would miss a lot if you only stay in the dorm and leave everyone alone. Getting acquainted with university mates might lead you to a successful life.That would
boost your efficiency as making friends and chatting can
rejuvenate you.
,doing other
can bring advantages to students very well. In conclusion, it seems to me that both studying hard and doing other
are necessary for a university student.
Submitted by hsukingg on

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