Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is argued that
is an effective tool to connect different generations and cultures with each other. Personally, I believe
plays a crucial role in
To begin
is recognised as a universal language.
listeners might not be able to recognise the lyrics written in the
due to
a foreign language, they still can feel the emotions completely from the instruments and melody.
In addition
, many developed songs are related to the producer's own traditions and customs, which would inspire the audience to learn more about the cultural aspects of the writer's nation.
For example
, many YouTubers informed on their channels that they were influenced by Homayoun Shajarian - an Iranian traditional singer - and became curious about Persian morality and civilization.
On the other hand
can improve the boundaries between all age groups.
For instance
, when people are interested in a certain type of
, they tend to join online communities to find those who share the same interests.
, they can meet each other in person and be great friends together.
, there is much evidence that demonstrate how the power of
can connect the elderly and young folks and how marvellous they respond when they are hearing a traditional song at festivals and social events beside one another, as they identify their same origins in the tune of the instruments.
To conclude
, it is clear to me that
can easily make a positive impact significantly on society and foster a global association among mankind.
Submitted by m.defaee1 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • universal language
  • evoke
  • connect
  • diverse audiences
  • cultural exchange
  • generational gaps
  • shared experiences
  • unifying force
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