Parents want to achieve balance between family and career but only a few manage to achieve it. What do think is the reason? Discuss possible solutions and provide examples

A dramatic increase in balancing professional and household
by providing proper attention in recent years has sparked controversy about its impact on children. I can attribute
issue to a number of reasons. In
essay, I will present an overview of these factors and suggest potential solutions. One of the most telling factors associated with not being able to focus on both sides lies in the fact that both sexes are in the race of getting too much in their
within a minimum time. Not only, the competition between colleagues to get more rewards and promotions but it might
every parent want to provide a luxurious
for their loved ones
as better education , a bungalow in a porch area of the city etc.
, these things badly impact the family they unintentionally ignored and in
,consequence children may adopt some bad activities. An example of
scenario can be seen in the Uk,
according to
a recent survey about 79 per cent of couples got divorced because of not understanding and the reason is that they just focus on their careers.
, there are several solutions to address
problem. Primarily, a better understanding between couples is necessary because it helps to become good listeners to each other.
single step has the potential to yield some positive results.
In addition
, parents should spend weekends with their kids so that they realise their parent's affection and
will help fill the gap.
but not least,
jobs are a need to have facilities at home but at the same time family
want to spend quality time with you. In conclusion, given the potential impact of having an imbalance
priority, until we develop a more nuanced approach, which success in coping with
issue is contingent , all our efforts will go awry, if not in vain.
Submitted by ghazalaashraf13 on

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