Today,more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult,such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic.What are the benefits and disadvantages for people who visit such places?

In recent years, more tourists have like to experience
with extremely difficult conditions.
as the Sahara Desert and the Antarctic. There are several advantages to exploring these locations. There are
some drawbacks that must be considered.
essay will discuss both sides of
debate. One of the main advantages of visiting
with harsh conditions is learning new skills that will change your prospects in things. It will open new aspects of how we live and a person could learn a lot from
For example
, my brother went to the desert in Saudi Arabia two years ago, and
experience shifted his personality in a good way. He learned how to be patient and how to solve issues immediately.
In addition
, he learned how to build a tent and set a fire. These trips can be beneficial to tourists because they will help them to develop themselves.
On the other hand
, a huge disadvantage can be the potential risks. When people go to difficult
they could get hurt in a variety of ways.
For instance
, a newspaper published a story in 2017 about three friends who went to an Antarctic island to see the aurora borealis. Unfortunately, in the night when they were sleeping in their tent a wild animal attacked them. Only one of them got hurt and the other managed to escape.
, they called 911 to come and rescue their friend from the animal. the help arrived and thank god no one got killed. These kinds of trips can lead to serious danger. In conclusion, travelling to adventure
offers some benefits. It
has drawbacks
as dangerous situations. It is essential to weigh both pros and cons before making any decision.
Submitted by reem.rz112 on

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task achievement
You did well to differentiate between the advantages and disadvantages of visiting difficult locations. However, be careful with small errors like 'more tourists have like,' which should be 'more tourists have begun to like.'
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear structure, but linking phrases between paragraphs could be improved. Using transition words would increase the flow between ideas.
task achievement
Make sure each paragraph focuses on a single idea to avoid drifting off-topic. This will provide a more comprehensive and clear response to the topic.
introduction conclusion
The introduction and conclusion effectively framed the discussion, making the essay easy to follow.
relevant specific examples
You've provided relevant examples that support your points, making your arguments stronger.
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