Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, businesses and the academy world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

On the one side, many of us think that there is nothing to hide concerning the various results of scientific research, business and academic news as well. On the other side, there are many individuals that trust in the importance of
kinds of research and tend to keep
data secret. In
essay, I am planning to consider these two points of view.
, it depends on what kind of data we are talking about. Obviously, there are many research aspects that have strategic importance for the country and they have to be classified as confidential information.
For example
, if we are talking about a military area, I am not convinced that it's a good idea to make it public because
kind of publicity can be even harmful.
On the contrary
, regarding the latest medical inventions or achievements in the economic sphere, I can say that they should be shared undoubtedly.
For instance
, it's not hard to imagine how many lives can be saved
due to
new medicines, surgery types, transplantology methods and so on. Not so far ago, we all became witnesses of it
the pandemic, when new vaccinations helped people from all over the world to win Covid. What if the countries invented these vaccinations would decide not to share them with the whole world? In conclusion, I cannot say definitely is it necessary or not to share information in different areas. I'm quite sure that it depends on the kind of information, and if it is not contrary to the interests of the country, it should be shared.
Submitted by karine.s.kirakosyan on

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