IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics: Number 8. Some think that teenagers should follow older people’s rules. Others thinks that it is natural for them to challenge what older people say. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In the
few decades, the world has been evolving rapidly and so have the perspectives about
believe that young adults must adhere to the principles adopted by older
, others are of the opinion that teenagers should find their own ways rather than following the rules of the previous
. In my opinion,
it is agreeable to consider the elderly's ethics of
who have vast
experiences, the current
must cultivate their own path as it helps them to learn and develop a distinctive approach towards
. It is ubiquitously argued in families that youngsters should align with the rules of older
because of their enriched
experience and learnings.
In addition
, they advise their offspring not to fall into any of the traps which they have already gone through as it creates pain and sorrow for them because of their endearment towards children.
For instance
, in certain parts of India, grandparents and parents advise children to buy houses at a young age since the former suffered many years of homelessness.
, listening to the older
is beneficial for young boys and girls as they can avoid inadvertent mistakes.
On the contrary
, it is quite natural for juveniles to decide against the traditional aspects of
as it yields unique lifelong experiences.
, if a person explores the world and surroundings in the way he wants to, it will always stick to his memory and
benefit him in the long run.
For example
, a recent survey conducted among teenagers in Australia reveals that 60 % of the country's young population loves to travel rather than get into a job which is entirely against the concept of the preceding
, allowing young individuals to design
rules of their own is totally an explorative choice for those who like to do it.
To conclude
, situations around us have been changing at a fast pace and the persuasions about
been abruptly broadened. Even though teenagers can conform to the instructions given by old
, in my viewpoint they should show the courage to approach their
in their own way to experience uniqueness in
Submitted by gloriasherin on

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Consider adding more diverse examples. Perhaps include examples from different cultural contexts or more varied scenarios to strengthen your argument.
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Your ideas are clear and comprehensive, thoroughly addressing both sides of the argument while providing your own opinion.
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