This graph shows the proportion of four different materials that were recycled from 1982 to 2010 in a particular country.

This graph shows the proportion of four different materials that were recycled from 1982 to 2010 in a particular country.
The chart gives us information about the percentage of 4 renewed matters in a nation from 1982 to 2010
, throughout the surveyed period, the statistics for plastics and paper barely went up,
there was a significant increase recorded in the two remaining categories. From the starting of approximately 65% in 1982, the cardboard renewal raised modestly 5% and returned to the initial point in the next 18 years,
witnessed a climb to four-fifths by 1994, before going downhill to 70%
at the end
of the period. Meanwhile, the recycling of polymer ascended slowly without any fluctuation moving from less than 5% in 1990 to under 10% in 2010. A stronger trend was recorded in glass vessels when incepting with half in 1982, after suffering a downtime to just 40% in 1990, showing a profound recovery to escalate one-fifth in the rest of the observed duration. At the same time, the reuse of cans made with aluminium even developed quicker with a straight jump from 5% at first to 45%
, making it the fastest-growing in all 4 categories.
Submitted by nhatducmo on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • proportion
  • recycled
  • materials
  • percentage
  • paper and cardboard
  • glass
  • plastic
  • metal
  • stable
  • noticeable
  • rise
  • significant increase
  • accounting for
  • consistent
  • ste steadily
  • dramatically
  • nearly
  • worth noting
  • relatively low
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