Some people believe that countries should produce all the food necessary to feed their populations and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is often considered that
which is necessary should be grown in the particular nation and little proportion of it can be brought from other countries. I completely agree with the above notion as it will help in reducing the prices in supermarkets and preventing
To begin
with, there will be a rapid decline in rates of crops if farmers start producing all kinds of vegetables and fruits within the kingdom.
a myriad of countries
Correct subject-verb agreement
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involved in importing and exporting markets to elevate the economy, average people are suffering from
behaviour. If all types of
are grown, there will be no extra taxes on importing goods and eatables would be available to the native population at reasonable prices.
For example
, India is a diverse country which hardly depends on foreign
, the prices of
are cheap.
strengthening my views, if different foods are grown, it will prevent inhabitants from suffering any
. To remain healthy, humankind requires a proper portion of each nutrient.
with all nutrients will be approachable to purchase in the local shops.
For instance
, native people of developed countries namely, America are suffering from hazardous
because they depend on other developing nations for all kinds of
as they are unable to do farming
due to
the weather conditions.
, a proper diet assists mankind in preventing various
. In conclusion, government can educate farmers to grow all types of crops rather than focusing just on two or three crops as it will assist in dropping the price in markets for
, it will build a healthy nation.
Submitted by jashanpreetmann1515 on

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task response
Your essay addresses the prompt effectively by expressing your agreement with the idea that countries should produce all necessary food. Make sure to provide a balanced view by mentioning potential drawbacks of this approach as well.
coherence and cohesion
Your introduction and conclusion are strong, presenting a clear position and summarizing your main points effectively. Consider providing a bit more complexity in your argument to strengthen your overall response.
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