Serious violent crimes among people who are under-18 are becoming more common. Some people think that children who commit serious crimes should be treated like adults, while others would say that they should be rehabilitated. Discuss both these view and give your own opinion.

Juvenile people tend to commit more extremely violent
these days. That makes for controversial arguments about whether they should be punished like adults or just re-educated.
essay will discuss both of these opinions;
, I personally believe that rehabilitation is a better option for young offenders than other serious sentences. On the one hand, all citizens need to understand that committing
is morally wrong.
As a result
, appropriate punishments will be given to criminals in order to give the victims justice.
, someone who has lost a loved one will obviously find it very unacceptable if the perpetrator has not received a sentence because they were not old enough.
, treating under-18 offenders with the same punishments as adults, in general, is not a preferable option.
On the other hand
, youngsters who commit
with violence may not be aware of the consequences,
for instance
, causing death or serious injury, since they are not fully developed in both their physical and mental well-being. A prime example of
that is
that almost all juvenile delinquents usually feel really regrettable about their crime and honestly wish for an opportunity to return to their previous lives with their parents.
, rehabilitation is the ideal solution for young criminals, as they will be re-educated and well-prepared for a better life in the future. In conclusion,
are dangerous for society and convicted people should be sentenced, I believe
that is
not really suitable for young criminals under 18, who should be taken into rehabilitation as a more effective option for them.
Submitted by thucnghi5594 on

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