modern era, it is dont reveal your secret to anyone because they mislead
to become educated about events that happened in the past. Some folks think that it is superior to acquire
a Remove the article
a piece of knowledge
show examples
the way
lived in the past through video or
otherFix the agreement mistake
show examples
argue that written
are more reliable.
there are numerous benefits of
gainWrong verb form
show examples
, written material are
very beneficial.In the forthcoming article,
iChange the capitalization
show examples
shall elucidate my stance on
matter before reaching a final verdict.
with, there are several benefits of gaining
represent the emotions and provide the environment.
, old
or dramas
representsCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
the actual situation and feelings of the
as what happened in the past.
, pictures and videos show culture,traditions and
the houses of the
in the past.
youngerCorrect article usage
show examples
generation gets bored by reading
historyChange preposition
show examples
so they prefer other sources to get information like
as Correct word choice
show examples
or video
platformFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to explore different things.
, these are the advantages of video or
, written
very beneficial for
the Correct article usage
show examples
individuals. First of all,
or other documentary material provide accurate
, individuals prefer to go
librariesChange preposition
show examples
to search
moreChange preposition
show examples
information about the past as it is the best way to grasp
, it is
time consumingAdd a hyphen
show examples
anyChange preposition
show examples
, handwritten material is
very beneficial for
the Correct article usage
show examples
In conclusion, having engaged in the subject matter,
iChange the capitalization
show examples
agree that
and handwritten
both are beneficial for
the Correct article usage
show examples
, I believe that videos represent
the Correct article usage
show examples
emotions and feelings,
booksCorrect word choice
show examples
or written
provide reliable