The map below show the village of Stockefort in 1930 and in 2010

The map below show the village of Stockefort in 1930 and in 2010
The map describes the village of Stockefort in 1930 and 2010.
writing will give some significant features about the pictures and make comparisons when necessary.
, there are several major developments in the small town
as the addition of new properties and the change of use in some areas. To start with, in 1930 there was only one main road that cut straight between the city. In 2010, some housing spaces were built in the centre and the south and accompanied by smaller roads connected to the main highway.
, a post office and two farmlands are constructed in the northeast and the southwest, respectively.
In addition
, there are some old structures that are replaced by new ones. The primary school that had been positioned in the heart of the town was renovated and made bigger.
, The large house and the gardens next to the school were converted into a retirement home. In conclusion, there were some facilities that were built brand new and others were converted into other usage.
Submitted by twiggseducationbdg on

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Basic structure: Change the third paragraph.
Basic structure: Change the fourth paragraph.
Basic structure: Change the fifth paragraph.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the third paragraph.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the fourth paragraph.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the fifth paragraph.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • transformation
  • infrastructure
  • facilities
  • landscape
  • sparse population
  • residential areas
  • commercial zones
  • recreational facilities
  • agricultural lands
  • local economy
  • transportation infrastructure
  • connectivity
  • public amenities
  • green spaces
  • quality of life
  • historical buildings
  • landmarks
  • preservation
  • urban development
  • environmental impacts
  • natural landscapes
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