There is currently a contentious argument over whether the mass media should deliver information regarding the private lives of famous people. In my opinion, I strongly agree with
notion and my opinion will be discussed in the following paragraphs with a suitable conclusion.
I firmly believe that sharing the personal information of other people without permission is considered a low level of journalism on the one hand and a law violation Linking Words
on the other hand
. Linking Words
In other words
, spreading these details that are not intended for public attention is harmful Linking Words
an individual as for society. Change the preposition
For instance
, in certain circumstances uncovered private details would lead to scandals and loss of reputation. Linking Words
, these kinds of news, definitely, affect other members of celebrities' families, including kids and wives resulting in trauma and family tragedy.
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, there is a sort of information Linking Words
that is
considered detrimental to society as people are distracted from significant topics. To cite an example, some media owned by corrupted and bribed politicians will throw some sensitive content in order to direct society's attention and anger toward the third party. Linking Words
, in the next weeks, all news and programmes will spend most of their prime time discussing the colour of the pants of some rock singer rather than a governmental crisis. Another point to consider is aggravation of the morality and human values. Linking Words
, societies are drawn into useless conversations rather than bringing vital issues to the surface.
In conclusion, the sensitive content of celebrities shall not be mainstreamed by the media. I believe that the aforementioned points are strongly supporting my viewpoint.Linking Words