Due to poorer countries experiecing a 'brain drain' they are seeing many professionals, such as doctors and teachers, leaving to work in more developed countries. What problems does this cause? What solutions can be suggested to deal with these situations?

The migration of skilled employment in poorer
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been exacerbated
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could be solved by providing better educational programs and removing these potholes.
To begin
, there is an increase in the number of skilled workforce immigrants in poor
has been exacerbated. Perhaps the major aftermath is almost all of the high-quality workforces working in global enterprises, contributing to the increasing amount of accumulated profits in these firms. Meanwhile, in developing
, some local businesses did not have adequate skilled employment to compete with these foreign corporations in the fast-paced technological advancements in the world.
In particular
, youngsters from wealthy families have enrolled in overseas universities and chosen to work in an international business with higher salaries and an appropriate environment.
, these geniuses have assisted in the success of these corporations, contributing to the collapse of their native companies.
For example
, some recruitment market reports have illustrated that the number of non-native permanent staff in multinational enterprises was almost equal to the total number of overseas students from developing
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has strengthened the migration of other overseas learners because working in international businesses could provide better job advancements and job security.
, all of these problems could be solved by providing better educational programs with the assistance of foreign professors in many aspects especially in science subjects from developed
. In general, upgrading the quality of the workforce not only could narrow the wealth difference to some extent but
enhance the industrial capacities.
For instance
, take India as an example, by providing higher educational programmes, especially in information technology,
nation has generated skilled workforce generations and provided many top-notch services through their local technological enterprises.
To conclude
, the aggravated brain drain phenomenon stems from the migration of skilled employment and the collapsed local businesses.
could be tackled by providing better educational programs.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Brain drain
  • Developed countries
  • Underdeveloped nations
  • Economic growth
  • Healthcare services
  • Mortality rates
  • Educational quality
  • Social inequality
  • Human capital
  • Workforce migration
  • Talent retention
  • Policy reform
  • Incentive programs
  • Capacity building
  • Professional opportunities
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