Nowadays, the majority of folk are moving from their original background to metro cities for the betterment of their lives.
is mainly because of less revenue in farming and the result will be food shortage and overcrowded of cities.
, there are a number of solutions which should be implemented
as educating humans about new techniques of land irrigation and providing facilities at
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level like health care etc.
essay will analyse both consequences in detail and provide some solutions to mitigate the issue.
To commence with, the foremost consequence of
is food shortage , especially fresh ones.
, it is next to impossible for the public to find some fresh resources
as vegetables, fruits etc.
an agriculture University of Delhi, the ratio of agriculturing dropped by 25% as compared to a decade which ultimately affected the bread resources worldwide, especially green vegetables.
scenario is not only affecting agriculture system but
the metropolis
means, that because of overpopulation, the rate of unemployment is
overpopulation in Canada, several IT workers are laid off and unemployed by their companies.
On the other side,
, there are various solutions to overcome
, educate the local communities about hybrid crops and new techniques to increase benefits.
means, providing information about different methods
small businesses like
supermarketFix the agreement mistake
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of fruits to help them financially. To illustrate, the University of Kerala arranged a number of scenarios for less educated people to use various methods like seasonal crops, biodegradable waste etc. to acquire the best rewards from their field with less expenses.
, the government should provide all facilities related to health and education in villages so they will not migrate from their villages. To exemplify, 50% of youngsters are moving from towns to metro cities
better credentials like studies in Universities.
, the government should focus on the development of villages
, there is no doubt several people are moving from their local background to a metropolis
fewer facilities in towns.
essay analysed both results like overcrowding in residential areas, fewer bread resources etc. and suggested ideas
as educating the public and the government help can effectively mitigate the issue.